99 New Quotes About Smiling To Boost Your Mood:- The smile is a form of non-verbal communication with which we express all our serenity and the pleasure of being with the person in front of us.
Many studies have shown that a smile is also an excellent weapon of seduction: a beautiful smiling face, in fact, is more attractive than a face with a more serious expression.
And, in front of certain smiles it is impossible to resist and not fall in love at first sight.
Here is a series of sentences about the smile that bring to light the whole romantic and seductive side. Discover it now!
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Smile Quotes – Quotes about Smiling that Brighten Your Day

99 New Quotes About Smiling To Boost Your Mood
Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love deeply, laugh uncontrollably and never regret what made you smile. Peace begins with a smile.
It takes seventy-two muscles to pout but only twelve to smile. Try it for once.
The smile allows the soul to breathe.
The smile lasts an instant. His memory can last a lifetime.
God laughed and the seven gods who rule the world were born. The light appeared at the first burst of laughter. He burst out laughing the second time and the waters appeared, with subsequent laughter Hermes, Destiny and Psyche came to the world
Who we are? Where do we go? Where do we come from? And above all where is it that you laugh?
The world always looks brighter behind a smile.
We will never know how well a simple smile can do.
A smile costs less than electricity, but gives more light.
Smile Quotes to Elevate Your Mood
– What are you trying to look so young?
– To laugh, I start laughing.
Life is like a mirror: it smiles at you if you look at it with a smile.
I will be a child myself but if I see you without a smile, I take a color and draw it for you.
Don’t wait to be happy to smile. But smile to be happy.
Laugh, and the world will laugh with you; you cry, and you will cry alone.
Do you know what a smile is? It is a wall that falls, a door that opens, an enigma that melts, a vibration that enters the chest and becomes sky and light.
Our smile is younger than us.
A smile is a curve that straightens everything.
Yet the most beautiful things start from the corners, think of the smile, the rainbows, the different ones.
Who makes you smile saves your life without knowing it.
A delicate word, a gentle look, a good-nature smile can shape wonders and perform miracles.
Smile quotes to remind of its value
The smile is a dream that has made it.
Wear a smile and you will have friends; he wears a pout and you will have wrinkles.
Take a smile and give it to those who have never had it.
Smiling, the word of the verb despite everything.
They told me that to make her fall in love I had to make her laugh. But every time he laughs, I fall in love.
If you smile for me, that’s fine.
A smile is a light through the window of your face that tells people that your heart is at home.
The curve of the smile is an arc. His target, almost always, happiness.
Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It could be the only sun you see during the day.
To start the day I choose a coffee, to continue it, a smile.
Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are ahead of me
A smile can last a second, but its memory can last a lifetime.
Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there is so much to smile about.
The robbed one who smiles, steals something from the thief, but whoever cries because of a vain pain, steals something from himself.
Every smile makes you younger every day.
A day without a smile is a lost day.
I firmly believe that a smile is the most beautiful accessory a woman can wear.
Look back and smile at the past dangers.
Beautiful smile quotes to make you happy
Wrinkles should simply indicate where smiles were.
Don’t betray those who smile at you: they could have death in their hearts and give you a little life.
Only those who have cried a lot can appreciate life in its beauty, and laugh well.
You always laugh, laugh, make yourself believe crazy, but never sad. Laugh even if the world is collapsing on you, keep smiling. There are people who live for your smile and others who will gnaw when they realize they haven’t been able to turn it off.
What the sun is for flowers, smiles are for humanity.
As I saw you I fell in love. And you smile because you know it.
A man can smile, and smile, and be a rogue.
The smile is to beauty, what salt is to food.
We are happy because we smile and not vice versa.
If life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show it to have a thousand to smile.
The best way to show your teeth is with a smile.
A smile is the means chosen for every ambiguity.
The most beautiful curve of a woman is her smile.
Laugh whenever you can: it’s a cheap medicine.
The art of life is learning to suffer and learning to smile.
A smile lasts only an instant, but in memory it can be eternal.
Beautiful smile quotes to bring happiness
Two smiles approaching end up becoming a kiss.
Whoever never laughs is not a serious person.
Give a smile when you feel like crying.
Beauty is power; a smile is his sword.
The wisest authors produce the most imperceptible smile.
Always smile, even if it is a sad smile, because the sadness of not knowing how to smile is sadder than a sad smile.
A woman can veil her face with a smile.
Young people smile for no reason. It is one of their main reasons for charm.
War is a game that is played smiling. If you don’t know how to smile, he grins. If you can’t grin, get out of the way, as long as you can.
To be simple and smiling is the supreme art of the world.
A smile is a curve that straightens everything.
Surely more than one individual owes the fortune of his life solely to the fact of possessing a captivating smile, with which he conquers the hearts. However hearts would do better to be on their guard and remember, with Hamlet’s memo, – that one can smile and smile, and be a rascal -.
Man! You pendulum between a smile and a tear.
We will never know how well a simple smile can do.
Smile Quotes about love
It’s nice to laugh. It’s like stretching an invisible hand and stirring the stars of the sky, and hearing the sound of the universe laughing with us.
The smile. The only cut that you must never heal
In our chest we carry colonies of butterflies that are waiting for the happy instant in which we laugh to hover in flight.
Children laugh on average 400 times a day, adults 15.
The right question is not “Why are you laughing?” But “Why don’t you laugh anymore?”
A day without a smile is a lost day.
Before pouting, check if there are no smiles available.
Good morning to those who smile for a party. To those you cross on the street and always greet. For life is hard but if you smile it is less.
It is a good idea to always carry a smile with you, because if you have your arms busy, it is the only worthy replacement for a hug.
A smile is the cheapest way to change your look.
Every time a man laughs he adds a couple of days to his life.
Happiness is measured by how much your cheeks do gymnastics a day.
Everyone smiles in the same language.
And you always have to laugh at everything. Because maybe you never thought about it, but everything constantly laughs at us.
A smile is not able to change the world, but it is able to change mine.
You look like that smile, which makes any place perfect.
Rice is the sun that drives away the winter from the human face.
If you don’t have a smile, I’ll give you one of mine.
I have never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful.
The art of knowing how to live consists in having the eyes of those who have spent so many and the smile of those who have overcome them all.
The robbed who smiles, steals something from the thief.
When life gives you a thousand reasons to cry, it shows that you have a thousand and one reasons to smile.
Smile Quotes about beauty
A smile costs nothing,
but it is worth a lot.
It enriches those who receive it,
without making those who give it poorer.
It only lasts a moment,
but its memory can last forever.
Is that a smile? Or is it the answer?
The most precious people are those that make you see the light even in the darkest moments. Those that extract smiles from your rubble.
The shortest distance between two people is a smile. Smiling is my favorite exercise.
Smiling, more than representing happiness, represents the strength of people.
Your laughter, like the sound of a clash of stars, like the rustling of a schoolchild of children at school.
In that smile there was a sense of everything I was looking for.
You never fully dressed without a smile.
Who is it that every night he puts back the smiles of men, after they have fallen asleep? Who is it that rearranges the lines and edges and corners of the mouth that have deformed during the day due to sadness or fatigue? Maybe it’s an angel that does all this.
What the sun is for flowers, smiles are for humanity.
By the way, I’m wearing the smile you gave me.
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
Every smile makes you younger than a day.
You smile. No one forced you to carry the evils of the world on your shoulders.
Wear a smile – the size is unique.
It was just a smile, and it cost little to give it but, like the morning light, it dissipated the darkness and made the day worth living.
Smile quotes to enrich your soul
Those who love you know the pages of the books you have underlined, your way of secretly laughing, the songs you would like to dance slowly in the rain
I only have a smile.
Thus. A barely visible motion of lips.
And for you I keep it:
because it is a gift of love.
People are not perfect (except when they smile).
That day she laughed heartily and her laughter spread in the air.
I thought of butterflies.
Would they have been so colorful if, somewhere, there hadn’t been someone laughing?
Wrinkles should simply indicate where smiles were.
Wrinkles show that you are old, decrepit, or that you are used to smiling all the time.
There are smiles that seem to rest on the wind and in the sky, and it is only by chance that we see them sticking to a face Smile even if your smile is sad, because the sadness of not knowing how to smile is sadder than a sad smile.
The unexpected grace of an intelligent smile is enough to make the layers of tedium deposited by days fly away.
If you don’t know how to laugh at you first, you can’t laugh.
A smile is like a toothbrush. You have to use it often to keep your teeth clean If you’re hungry, sing. And if you get hurt, laugh, Beauty is power; a smile is his sword.
A bit of wind got up, I think a smile in my eyes ended up.
Does the smile that trembles on a child’s lips when he sleeps know someone where he was born? Yes, a young pale ray of a crescent moon is said to have touched the contour of a fading autumn cloud and there was born a smile in the morning-dew-washed dream
Children have no past and this is the whole mystery of the magical innocence of their smile.
All the statistics in the world cannot measure the warmth of a smile.
The most authentic smiles are those that illuminate our faces when no one looks at us.
I took that smile and put it right where there was a void in my chest. It was better than coffee or chocolate or a perfect pirouette. I held on and held him tight.
If you want to ruin a grumpy day, give him a smile.
Most smiles started with another smile.
When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you are the only one who smiles while everyone around you cries.
Everything is absurd and splendid simultaneously. Tears in a smile: it is the most beautiful aspect of humanity.
You have a beautiful smile.
How much pain did it take to create it?
Do you have a single tooth? Smile at least with that!
A smile can add a thread to the short story of life.
Never stop smiling even when you are sad, because you don’t know who could fall in love with your smile.
He was so sad that he smiled with a single lip.
Peace begins with a smile.
Other beautiful quotes about smiling
Don’t cry for a man who left you; the next one may fall for your smile.
We don’t smile because something good has happened, but something good will happen because we smile.
You love for a smile, for a look, for a shoulder.
Laugh, and the world will laugh with you; you cry, and you will cry alone.
Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.
How stupid is he who tries to remedy the hatred of the eyes with the smile of his lips.
A smile is the means chosen for every ambiguity.
Pay attention to men who do not laugh, they are dangerous.
Wear a smile and you will have friends; he wears a pout and you will have wrinkles.
I love and live in silence but behind every smile I hide a tear of pain.
It was a single God who created the wolf and the lamb and then smiled, seeing that this was good.
The colors are the smiles of nature.
The hypocrite is a boy who goes to school with a smile on his face.
A good laugh is the sun at home.
That a smile can add a thread to the thin web of life.
My smile is my strength and it’s my mask.
Colors are the smile of nature.
An everlasting smile is much more cloying than a constant frown. That wipes out every possibility, this suggests a thousand.
Who knows how to laugh is master of the world.
There are three things to beware of: the hoof of a horse, a bull’s horn and the smile of an Englishman.
The man’s smile is a disappointed hope.
Life is like a mirror: it smiles at you if you look at it with a smile.
A smile lasts only an instant, but in your memories it can be eternal.
Which of these beautiful smile quotes was your favorite?
The scars are the sign that it was hard. The smile is the sign that you made it.
Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are ahead of me.
I think back to your smile and for me it is like seeing the clear water by chance among the stones of a bed.
Before pouting, check if there are no smiles available.
Rice is the sun that drives away the winter from the human face.
The best way to overcome the difficulties is to attack them with a magnificent smile.
I love and live in silence but behind every smile I hide a tear of pain.
A person understands it from his laughter.
I want to see you laugh. A Christian has no reason to be sad and has so many to be happy.
I believe in the power of laughter and tears as an antidote to hatred and terror.
Smile in the mirror. Do it every morning and you will begin to see a big difference in your life.
You are the reason for someone’s smile.
There is no weapon in the female paraphernalia to which men are as vulnerable as they are for a smile.
Death smiles at all, a man can do nothing but smile back at her.
He smiles. In every occasion and place, whatever he does, he smiles: a craze, I think, not in accordance with good taste or civil.
A smile can add a thread to the short story of life.
A smile makes twice the road of a rumble.
It was just a smile, and it cost little to give it but, like the morning light, it dissipated the darkness and made the day worth living.
Does the smile that trembles on the lips of a child when he sleeps know someone where he was born? Yes, a young pale ray of a crescent moon is said to have touched the outline of a fading autumn cloud and there was born a smile in the dream of a morning washed by dew.
Everything is absurd and splendid simultaneously. Tears in a smile: it is the most beautiful aspect of humanity.
People can talk about gender equality, but he and she are not equal. The silent smile of a sensitive and in love woman manages to beat ten men.
Did you have only one tooth left? Smile at least with that!
Wine adds a smile to friendship and a spark to love.
Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smiles through my eyes, so that it can scatter rich smiles in sad hearts.
There is a smile of love,
And there is a smile of seduction,
A smile is a smile
Where those two smiles meet.
If everyone did it even once a day, give a smile, imagine that incredible contagion of good mood would spread on the earth.
You can let your smile change people, but don’t let people change your smile.
Don’t cry because one thing ends, smile because it happened.
The best companion in life is a smile. He’s always there … If you want it.
Things that will never go out of fashion: black (which goes with everything), a smile and education. Mix at will to conquer the world.
Whoever never laughs is not a serious person.
I have many problems in my life. But my lips don’t know it. They always smile.
A smile is a curved line that straightens everything.
It is easier to get what you want with a smile than with the point of the sword.
Since the earthly path is littered with thorns, God has given man three gifts: smile, dream and hope.
If sometimes you don’t get the smile you hoped for, be generous and give yours.
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