Latest Motivational Quotes Collection:- Most of people know our life is boon of god. our lives are nothing but a cosmic blink and it’s easy to forget what an amazing gift life really is. negative thought and laziness it’s always come our mind so today I have a Solution for it.
Today I am going to share Latest Motivational Quotes which will boost your energy and make you willing-full and give you positive energy when you start your day with this attitude your work say.
A group of passengers in a bus is not a team. It can become so if the bus breaks down.
jean paul Sartre
There are flowers everywhere for who wants to see them.
Henri Matisse
It is not what we are that prevents us from realizing our dreams; that’s what we believe we are not.
Paul Emile Victor
One of the best ways to help someone is to give them a responsibility and let them know you trust them.
Booker T. Washington
The discovery is to see what everyone sees and think what no one thinks.
Gyorgi Szent
The love we give is the only one we have left.
Universal wisdom
I decided to be happy because it’s good for you.
The only limit to our development of tomorrow will be our doubts today.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
The only real mistake is one from which one does not draw any teaching.
Universal wisdom
It is easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice.
Albert Einstein
One of the best ways to help someone is to give them a responsibility and let them know you trust them.
Booker T. Washington
“If you want life to smile, bring your good mood. »
Baruch Spinoza
There are days with and without days … and days without, you have to deal with it!
Universal wisdom
It is in the darkest moments that the stars are best seen.
Charles A. Beard
Do not judge each day by your harvest, but by the seeds you have planted.
Robert Louis Stevenson
It’s better to have a rainy day like today than a sunny day.
Pierre Dac
One way to be optimistic is to keep your head pointed towards the sun and your feet moving.
Nelson Mandela
The one who gives a pickaxe wants to know a meaning to his pickaxe. And the convict’s pick, which humiliates the convict, is not the same as the pick of the prospector, who is the prospector. The galleys do not reside there where pickaxe is given. There is no material horror. The prison is where picks are given which have no meaning, which does not connect the one who gives them to the community of men. And we want to escape from the galleys. ”
Antoine de St Exupery, Terre des hommes
If you want life to smile, bring your good mood.
Baruch Spinoza
When you meet a virtuous man, try to match him. When you meet a man without virtue, examine your own shortcomings.
Heaven, like earthly hell, we take with us wherever we go.
Christopher Colombus
On days when the sky is gray, the sun has not disappeared forever.
Arnaud Desjardins
Put in all a grain of daring.
Baltazar Gracian (1647)
What would you do if you were not afraid?
(What would you do if you were not afraid?)
Mark Zuckerberg
Just act and let others talk.
Baltasar Gracian
there is so many article in internet about life but according to me life is depend upon many fact some of them 1) “how you think”, 2) “what you want from it” and finally 3) “how you taken decision” I give preference to 3rd one because every decision create a changes which can help you to achieve your goal or not. before taking crucial decision need to think first what you want and how…?? while taking decision one things common in all circumstance you need to calm and positive attitude if you also going to take crucial step toward your journey (life) here a list to inspirational quotes about life and success I’m sure it will help you out.
A man who is no longer able to marvel has practically ceased to live.
Motivational Quotes by Albert Einstein
Do not let the world change your smile, but let your smile change the world.
Universal wisdom
Free yourself from mental slavery. Nobody can free your mind except you.
Bob Marley
A smile costs less than electricity, but gives as much light.
Abbé Pierre
Remember: the only person who accompanies you all your life is yourself! Be alive in everything you do.
Pablo Picasso
It’s unfortunate to go astray. But there is worse than to lose one’s way: it is to lose one’s reason for advancing.
Motivational Quotes by Universal wisdom
The perfection of means and the confusion of goals seem to characterize our time.
Albert Einstein
Optimists proclaim that we live in a world full of possibilities … Pessimists are afraid that this is true!
James Branch Cabell
The difficulty of succeeding only adds to the need to undertake.
An optimist is the human incarnation of spring.
Motivational Quotes by Suzan J. Bissonnette
This day will not come again. Every day is a priceless jewel.
Do not wait to be happy to smile, smile to be happy.
Edward L. Kramer
The belief that nothing changes comes from bad eyesight or bad faith. The first is corrected, the second is fought.
F. Nietzsche
The difficulty of succeeding only adds to the need to undertake.
It only takes a minute to change your attitude and with this minute you can change your whole day.
Universal wisdom
Attitude is the brush of the spirit. She colors all situations.
Sir William Stephen Alexander Lockhart
The doors of the future are open to those who know how to push them.
I prefer to live in optimism and to deceive myself, to live in pessimism for the sole satisfaction of being right.
Motivational Quotes by Milan Kundera
When my friend is one-eyed, I look at him in profile.
Eastern proverb
People who never laugh are not serious people.
Alphonse Allais
The feeling of being happy or unhappy rarely depends on our state in the absolute, but on our perception of the situation, our ability to satisfy ourselves with what we have.
Dalai Lama
To welcome with confidence a difficulty is already to facilitate it. (Abdessamad Bennani)
It’s never too late to become what we could have been.
George Eliot (English writer)
Who wants to do something finds a way, who does not want to do anything finds an excuse.
Arab proverb
It is not the fall that represents failure. Failure is to stay where one has fallen …
Universal wisdom
We begin to age when we replace our dreams with regrets.
The optimist never refuses to see the negative side of things; he just refuses to dwell on it.
Alexandre Lockhart
Laugh as much as you can: it’s an economical medicine.
Lord Byron .
Everyone is a genius. But if we judge a fish on his ability to climb a tree, he will spend his life believing he is stupid.
Albert Einstein
No stone can be polished without friction, no man can perfect his experience without trial.
Talent does not exist. Talent is about wanting to do something.
Jacques Brel
A goal without a plan is called a wish .
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
People often ask me what is the most effective technique to improve one’s life. It is a little embarrassing that after years and years of research and experimentation I have to conclude that the best answer to this question is just be a little nicer.
Aldous Huxley
Do not take life too seriously, anyway you will not come out alive.
I am for the increase of the taste of life.
Jacques Dutronc
Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
I am not discouraged, because every unsuccessful attempt left behind is another step forward.
Thomas Edison
Life is like a bicycle, you have to move forward so you do not lose your balance.
Albert Einstein
Better to take the change by the hand before it takes us by the throat.
Winston Churchill
If you want to get something you have never had, you have to do something you have never done.
May I be given strength to endure what can not be changed and the courage to change what can be changed but also the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.
Marc Aurèle
There is no point in defending the world of yesterday when we can build the world of tomorrow.
Peter Drucker
No one can reach dawn without going through the path of the night.
Khalil Gibran
The fall is not a failure. Failure is to stay where we fell.
Discipline is knowing what you want and never forgetting it.
David Campbell
If you have an apple, I have an apple, and we exchange our apples, we will each have an apple. But if you have an idea, that I have an idea and that we exchange our ideas, we will each have two ideas.
George Bernard Shaw
Nothing great has ever been accomplished without the help of enthusiasm.
The most difficult thing is to not attach importance to things that are of no importance.
Charles de Gaulle
Whoever stops learning is old, whether twenty or eighty. Anyone who continues to learn remains young.
Henri Ford
Do not be afraid to be happy, it’s just a good time to pass.
Romain Gary
You can be sorry that roses have thorns but you can also rejoice that thorns have roses!
Tom Wilson
When hiking, if you stumble on the way, do not take the pebble with you!
When luck hits their door, most people just complain about the noise.
Do not waste your time repeating that the world owes you something.
The world owes you nothing. He was there before you.Mark Twain
Danger is not what we do not know, it is what we take for certain and who is not.
Mark Twain
The best time to plant a tree was 40 years ago. The second best moment is today .
There are two ways to face the difficulties: either we transform them, or we transform ourselves by confronting them.
P. Boltome
Do not accuse the well of being too deep, it is your rope that is too short.
African proverb
What matters is not the number of hours you spend on your activities, it’s the energy you put into it.
Dan Millman
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls it a butterfly.
Richard Bach
Do not wait for extraordinary circumstances to act well, try ordinary situations.
Johann Paul Friedrich Richter
At the birth of a child, if his mother asked his good fairy to endow him with the most useful gift for him, this gift would be curiosity.
Eleanor Roosevelt
If you trust yourself, you will inspire confidence in others.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
Lao Tzu
Do not look for the fault, look for the cure.
Henry Ford
Success is having what you want; happiness is to love what you have.
H. Jackson Brown
Everyone knew that it was impossible. He came a fool who did not know it and who did it.
Marcel Pagnol
If you do not know how to love, what is the point of the sun rising and setting?
Omar Kayyam
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.
If you like what you do, you will succeed.Albert Schweitzer
Madness is to behave the same way and expect different results!
Albert Einstein
Success is not at the end of the road. He is in your step.
François Garagnon
Do something, and if it does not work, try something else.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Large machines rotate with small pivots.
Indian proverb
The higher you get, the more you see far.
Chinese proverb
Humanity is divided into three categories: those who can not move, those who can move, and those who move.
Benjamin Franklin
At this moment, humanity is us, whether we like it or not.
Samuel Beckett
You can not choose how to die or when. But you can decide how you are going to live. Now.
Joan Baez
In the changing world, it is better to think about change than to change the dressing!
Francis Blanche
He dies slowly who becomes the slave of the habit (…) the one who does not take risks to realize his dreams.
Pablo Neruda
In life, there are two categories of individuals: those who look at the world as it is and wonder why. Those who imagine the world as it should be and who say to themselves: why not?
Georges-Bernard Shaw
Fate triumphs as soon as one believes in it.
Simone de Beauvoir
If you have difficulty pursuing your passions, put passion in your pursuits. Thomas Kindake
I did not fail. I just found 10,000 solutions that do not work.
Thomas Edison
If you feel that you are too small to be able to change something, try sleeping with a mosquito … and you’ll see which one prevents the other from sleeping.
The Dalai Lama
If you do not risk anything, you risk even more.
Erica Jong
Always look in the direction of the rising sun and you will never see the shadow behind you.
Japanese proverb
Success is not about making mistakes, but about never doing the same thing twice.
George Bernard Shaw
You can blame people who are bumping into darkness or you can light candles. The only mistake is to be aware of a problem by choosing not to act .
Paul Hawken
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every occasion, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
V ou will perhaps be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you do not try.
Universal wisdom
For every minute you get angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
If we did everything we could, we would really be surprised.
Thomas Edison
There is no one born under a bad star, there are only people who can not read the sky.
Dalai Lama
Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill
Make the dream devour your life so that life does not devour your dream.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
It is because we imagine all the steps that we will have to be discouraged, when we have to align them one by one.
Marcel Jouhandeau
A problem without a solution is an ill-posed problem.
Albert Einstein
Never doubt that a small group of conscious and committed individuals can change the world. This is how it always happened.
Margaret Mead
Our doubts are traitors, and deprive us of what we could often win, because we are afraid to try.
William Shakespeare
There are many ways to fail, but the safest is to never take chances.
Benjamin Franklin
Failure is only a temporary change of direction that puts you back on the road to success.
Dennis Waitley
Surviving species are not the strongest, nor the smartest species, but the ones that best adapt to changes.
Charles Darwin
A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been found.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
You have to aim for the moon, because at least, if you fail, you end up in the stars.
Oscar Wilde
The victory belongs to the player who makes the penultimate mistake.
Universal wisdom
The pessimist complains of the wind, the optimist hopes he will change, the realist adjusts his sails.
William Arthur Ward
Never cry for having lost the sun, tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.
Rabindanath Tagore
Perfection is not about doing something big and beautiful, but about doing what you do with greatness and beauty.
Swami Prajnanpad
Failure is the spice that gives flavor to success.
Truman Capote
For most of us, the greatest danger is not having a goal that is too high and not reaching it, but rather having too little ambition and reaching it.
The world hates change, yet it’s the only thing that has allowed it to progress.
Charles F. Kettering
The only thing promised in advance to failure is that which one does not attempt.
Paul-Emile Victor
A pessimist makes his opportunities difficult, and an optimist makes his difficulties opportunities.
Harry Truman
Success is falling 7 times and getting up 8.
Japanese proverb
The one who moves the mountains is the one who starts by removing the small stones.
Solve a problem and move away from a hundred others.
Even if life does not make sense, what prevents us from inventing one?
Lewis Caroll (Alice in Wonderland)
Those who think that it is impossible to act are usually interrupted by those who act.
James Baldwin
Masterpieces are never anything but happy attempts.
George Sand
If you go through hell, do not stop.
Winston Churchill
The only difference between genius and ordinary man is that the genius does not know that he is ordinary, whereas the ordinary man thinks he is not great.
John Green
One is not an orphan to have lost father and mother, but to have lost hope.
African proverb collected in Mali by Gérard Dumestre
The difficult thing is what can be done right away. The impossible is what takes a little more time.
Georges Santayana
Both the optimist and the pessimist die. But they both enjoyed life in a completely different way.
Shimon Peres
If we have the courage to pursue them, all dreams come true.
Walt Disney
When we have 1000 reasons to cry, we have to find 1001 reasons to smile.
Universal wisdom
Utopia is simply what has not been tried yet.
Theodore Monod
There are those who look at things as they present themselves and say: -Why, I dream of things that never existed and I say: -Why not?
Robert Kennedy
Enthusiasm has always created certainty.
Alfred Espinas
There is no favorable wind for those who do not know where he is going.
One of the best ways to help someone is to give them a responsibility and let them know you trust them.
Booker T. Washington
It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.
The greatness of a profession is perhaps, above all, to unite men: it is only a real luxury, and it is that of human relations.
Saint-Exupéry, Terres des hommes
If you can only see the obstacles, it’s because you’ve left the goal with your eyes.
Universal wisdom
1 . “No one is too old to set a new goal or make new dreams come true.
2 . “The only way to do a good job is to love what you do. If you have not found it yet, keep looking.
3 . “To succeed, your desire for success must be greater than your fear of failure .
4 . “A huge success is the best revenge.
5 . “I’m grateful to everyone who told me NO. It is thanks to them that I am myself.
6 . “The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the willingness to try and the belief that it is really possible.
7 . “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
8 . “Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
9 . “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you like what you do, you will succeed.
10 . “Winners find ways, losers apologize.
11 . “He who waits until all danger at night to set sail will never go to sea.”
12 . “It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.
13 . “Some people want it to happen, others would like it to happen and others to make it happen.
14 . “The biggest mistake a man can make is to be afraid to make one.
15 . “Genius is made of one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
16 . “It’s not the wind that decides your destination, it’s the direction you give to your sail. The wind is the same for everyone.
17 . “Humanity is divided into three categories: those who can not move, those who can move, and those who move.
18 . “In twenty years you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the things you did. So get off the beaten track. Set sail. Explore. Dream. Discover.
19 . “There are no easy successes or definitive failures .
20 . “I decided to be happy because it’s good for you.
21 . “He who wants to reach a distant goal must take small steps.
22 . “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who kept trying when there seemed to be no hope.
23 . “To succeed, remember these three maxims: seeing is knowing, wanting is power, daring is having.
24 . “The lucky are those who come to everything; The unlucky ones, to whom everything happens.
25 . “As for the future, it is not a question of predicting it, but of making it possible.
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